Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Site Layout Planning Ealing W5 5rf

Real Site Layout Map Site Layout Briefing It is important to maintain a high standard of duty, facility, resource management, in accordance to the Health and Safety & CDM Regulations, in order to convey a better atmosphere for all members of staff and workers. The following will analyse all aspects of our Construction Management Project Plans, to ensure how we will create a satisfying duty of care to all members of the construction team working for the UWL Student Accommodation Project 2012/2013. Site LocationUniversity Of West London, Park Road Via St Marys Road, Ealing, W5 5RF. The new building will be constructed on an unused field area, and car park, belonging to the university. The construction site is bounded by protected trees, at the south side of the building, parallel to a public building (YMCA), and the boundary on the west and north side of the building, which leads to the main and side road. The projected building will be built within the white box on the Real Site Layou t diagram, and Blue of the Map Site Layout diagram. Site Setup and LogisticsIn order to meet the CDM and Health and Safety obligations, it will be necessary to afford a fully functional and compliant temporary site accommodation arrangement as part of the site setup. Prior to commencement on site, the site setup will include perimeter site hoarding equipped with appropriate safety and way-finding signage, lighting installations, and set of gates for vehicle entrance. The perimeter safety segregation system (I. e. Heras Fencing) is to be erected and equipped with appropriate safety and way-finding signage.Clearly defined access routes will be defined both within the site and the surrounding roads and sites in accordance to the management plans and with particular attention to the segregation of pedestrians, plant and vehicle. The delivery, storage and distribution of materials will form part of this plan. Site Accommodation & Welfare Facilities After having judged the situation at th e site, with the documents of the feasibility report, there isn’t sufficient space to have (as promised), an accommodations site on the premises of the project.The temporary site accommodation will be located in the student car park of the University. The site accommodation will include suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences. Supply of Water will be available through the water pumps of UWL into the rooms, toilets, sinks†¦ The room will be kept clean and tidy by the occupiers, and will be checked by a warden, so this rule isn’t breached, and is kept in an orderly condition. Adequate supply of drinking water will be put in few places as part of welfare facilities through drinking water fountains, and kitchen facilities.For Health and Safety reasons, water fountains and supply of drinking water will be marked with an appropriate signage, and sufficient number of cups will be provided. Washing Facilities will include: * A supply of clean hot and cold, or warm, water (which shall be running water so far as is reasonably practicable); * Suitable means of cleaning, such as soap, shampoo, and; * Suitable means of drying: towels, hand dryers, blow dryers. Washing Rooms will be ventilated, and given required lighting.They also will have to be kept cleaned and maintained. In order to minimise costs in welfare facilities, instead of having separate washing facilities for men and women, the multiple bathrooms will be individually shared, with an internal lock to prevent others coming in. This is more efficient as the number of males will dominate those of females. The accommodation will acquire changing rooms & lockers and sufficient spacing in these facilities, especially when the workers have to wear special clothing for his/her work and duty.Work may be on-going during rain; hence, facilities for drying areas for clothes, and seating will be set up in the accommodation. Lockers will also be provided near the changing areas in order to keep work uniform, clothes that haven’t been torn during the work and personal belongings safe. Damages to these will be at the occupier’s liability, not the site officer/warden/security/manager. Rooms and Resting areas will be prepared to be satisfying to all users. The rooms will be a hostel style living accommodation for all males, and separate ndividual rooms for females. Within 4 cabins as posted on the site layout, hostel dorm for males will consist of 14 beds, 7 in each cabin, and on cabin with 5 small rooms for ladies. Premises for accommodation will be handed to those living most further away, and to those who operate and work on a 24 hour shift. Others will have to live at their own homes, and travel to the site, or find accommodation in hotels nearby, with the assist of the construction team. Traffic Control Staff will control traffic into and out of siteNo Temporary light signals will be used, as it will delay public traffic times, won’t be efficiently used, and will cost more money to hire. Vehicle Movement into and out of site will occur around the Pink outline. Trucks and heavy machinery have been seen going into this outline and moving out safely and securely. Parking on Park road will be stopped until Kerrison Road, to ease movement of heavy machinery into site through Park Road, and make sure that cars do not get effected by any flying debris, which could lead into court appearances.Health and Safety Report The construction industry has the highest rate of accidents in the workforce. The diagram on the left proves data collected in 2008, which shows the multiple numbers of fatalities in the construction sector in comparison to other Work Sectors. In the production of the UWL Student Accommodation St Mary’s Road Ealing, our aim is to reduce accidents and fatalities as much as possible. Accidents are naturally occurring and unpredictable but controllable.This Health and Safety report will analyse the CDM Regulations 2007, and will in-corporate on how efficiently to use the Regulations in our project. This Health and Safety Report is a part of Risk analysis, hence following according to the H&S structure will reduce the for-see-able risks. Safe places of work Access & movement in and out of the construction site must be safe and practical. Walking distances must be short at all working times to cut down non-productive times amongst each of the workers on the field. The rea marked in yellow is the region where staff and workers will be making most movement. During the construction periods, it is important to keep the walking distances at a minimum, not only to cut down on non-productive time, but it will reduce damages to humans by falls, trips, falling and fallen debris. As the construction process is underway, the space will become more confined and little, due to the presence of the new building, hence, it is important to take vital care when crossing the site in such a tight area, to be further aware of accidents and to respect the Health and Safety Regulations.The area does consist of enough working space for all members of the team to work in a safe manner. Good Order and Site Security Every part of the construction must be kept in good order in the means of tidiness and cleanliness. The construction site will consist of a perimeter identified by suitable signs and be so arranged that its extent is readily identifiable, and be fenced off. See also fencing in the Site Layout Report for more information about fencing around the perimeter of the site. Sharp materials, such as projected nails, must be placed in good storage areas to reduce piercing people.Other construction projects, according to the CDM Regulations, do not allow timber with projected nails on site due to the Hazard danger of such equipments, therefore our alternative advice is to keep sharp objects, and all other materials that is a potential risk if not taken care of, to be stored appropriately, and used when ne eded. Site Security areas have been denoted on the Site Layout Plans. These sites will operate on a 24h basis. Construction materials and recourses are a high value for money, and hence, vandalism in construction is high at a time of economical downturn.Therefore, guards will be on patrol for 24 hour on the two areas located on the Site Plan. The site security will have to control the site premises, take care of all the site equipments, watch out for theft, and vandalism on non-operational times. During Operation periods, security will have to take control of vehicle movements in and out of the building, help with vehicles turning around, and check all the staff and worker’s badges before being let onto the site. Security check and report accidents and fatalities in the Risk Assessment and Health and Safety documents.Stability of Structure It is important to make sure that any part of the structure that may become un-stable with different load bearings or high wind loads, bec ome notified to all members of the team on site, who may be affected if un-cautioned. Foundations, buttress, and temporary supports, such as scaffolding, must be designed & used, to make sure they can adapt to the calculated load bearings and impact loads, so the building can remain stable, and none of the supports fail to collapse the building or the supports itself fall from a high distance.The load bearings, wind loads, impact loads, and snow loads have been calculated by the civil engineers, will provide exact figures, as to which the contractors will abide to, and design the supports in the safest manner. Excavation During the Excavation process, it is vital that nothing collapses into the region of excavation. There must be sufficient spacing between people, pile foundations and plants on the site. Neighbouring roof-tops must be checked to make sure that during the excavation process, nothing falls from these buildings into the excavation which may cause potential hazards for this stage of construction.The most potential building that may cause an issue for such reasons is the YMCA building next to the site, and its roof top must be verified. Excavation process must be inspected at the start of the shift, followed by regular interval checking, and finally at the end of the shift. Any material trapped in the excavation will cause a high health and safety issue for the employees, and also will affect the stability of the building a few years from completion. Reports of Inspection Dates when the QS and the Health and Safety Assessor will come and inspect the work have been noted on the Microsoft Project Scheduling, underneath the notes column.The QS will assess the progress of the work and supply information to the clients to supply the company with the income. Therefore in the inspection of the QS, if the project is working under the deadline, the income and profit will be below that of the project plan. The Inspection Report will be mentioned to the perso n in charge of the operations of the factors that needs to be amended to satisfy that report before further work can be carried out in a safe manner. Energy Distribution Installations Energy will come from the UWL campus Ealing.If more is required, then an electricity generator will be brought onto the site (shown on the left). The generator will need to be checked and revised before usage for safety requirements. Electric cables will run safely on the site, away from danger of being but off by plants, or by congestion. Gas will be distributed to Welfasre facilities from UWL. The student Car park has been cut off from Student and UWL staff, so that they are not at risk from un-known un-told danger, which the staff of the construction unit would be aware of whilst using the facilities.

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